This library provides a hasher that stores its content in Amazon's S3.
The library requires configuration providing credentials for accessing S3, as well as a bucket name, that is assumed to pre-exist. It provides the resources storage and hasher in return.
As its definition in permacode, storage is a pair of functions (see file-store as an example), which store content under a key, and fetch stored content given a key, respectively.
It depends on s3-config
, a map of properties containing the :bucket-name
in which values are to be stored, as well as credentials for accessing S3. See clj-aws-s3 documentation for more details.
(let [config {:bucket-name "foo"
:access-key "bar"
:secret-key "baz"}
$ (di/injector {:s3-config config})]
(module $)
(di/startup $)
(di/do-with! $ [storage]
(let [[store retr] storage
content (.getBytes "foo bar" "UTF-8")]
(store "abcd" content) => true
( content) => ..inp..
(s3/put-object config "foo" "abcd" ..inp..) => irrelevant)
(retr "abcd") => content
(s3/get-object config "foo" "abcd") => {:content ..inp2..}
(hasher/slurp-bytes ..inp2..) => content))))
Developers working in their own environments often want their solution local, without the need to provide credentials. An alternative storage
resource provides just that.
If the resources storage-local-path
and storage-fetch-url
exist, a storage
resource is provided.
(def path (str "/tmp/store" (rand-int 1000000)))
(let [$ (di/injector {:storage-local-path path
:storage-fetch-url "http://some.url"})]
(module $)
(di/startup $)
(di/do-with! $ [storage]
(def storage storage)))
This storage
will read and write content from and to a local file, located directly under the path specified by storage-local-path
(let [[store retr] storage]
(store "abcd" (.getBytes "Foo Bar"))
(slurp (str path "/abcd")) => "Foo Bar"
(let [bytes (retr "abcd")]
(-> bytes class str) => "class [B"
(String. bytes) => "Foo Bar"))
If we retreive a key and it does not exist in the local directory, an HTTP GET request is made to a URL made of the storage-fetch-url
and the key.
(let [[store retr] storage]
(retr "hash-that-does-not-exist") => ..content..
(http-get "http://some.url/hash-that-does-not-exist") => ..input-stream..
(hasher/slurp-bytes ..input-stream..) => ..content..))
The hasher
resource is a nippy-multi-hasher based on the storage
resource as its storage.
(let [calls (transient [])
$ (di/injector {:storage [(fn [k v]
(conj! calls [:store k v]))
(fn [k])]})]
(module $)
(di/startup $)
(di/do-with! $ [hasher]
(let [[hash unhash] hasher]
(hash ..expr..) => ..hashcode..
(nippy/freeze ..expr.. nil) => ..bin..
(digest/sha2-256 ..bin..) => ..mhash..
(multihash/base58 ..mhash..) => ..hashcode..)
(persistent! calls) => [[:store ..hashcode.. ..bin..]])))
To actually work against S3 we need to provide real credentials. We provide them using environment variables:
(def config {:bucket-name "brosenan-test"
:access-key (System/getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
:secret-key (System/getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY")})
We provide this to the injector, and start it.
(def $ (di/injector {:s3-config config}))
(module $)
(di/startup $)
We will randomize a value to be sure we actually store and retrieve a new value.
(def value (rand-int 100000))
Now we can store a value.
(di/do-with! $ [hasher]
(let [[hash unhash] hasher]
(def hash-code (hash {:value value}))))
...and retrieve it...
(di/do-with! $ [hasher]
(let [[hash unhash] hasher]
(unhash hash-code) => {:value value}))